Contemplations on the Tao Series

Book Review of “The Many Lives of Yang Zhu”

Yang Chu on Non-Violence: “We Are Bodies”

Lie-zi’s Garden of Pleasure

Nature has no masters: Lucretius, Epicurus, and Effortless Action

Contemplations on Tao Series

 First Taoist Contemplation: the Yielding and the Asserting

Second Taoist Contemplation: Wu-Wei (No Action) Principle

Third Taoist Contemplation: Strong Wind Does Not Last All Morning

Fourth Taoist Contemplation: Tao of Atheology

Fifth Taoist Contemplation: Military Advise

Sixth Taoist Contemplation: Lao-Tse as Life Coach

Seventh Taoist Contemplation: Nature as Echo in a Cave

Eighth Taoist Contemplation: The Landscape of the Soul

Ninth Taoist Contemplation: Control of Desires

Tenth Taoist Contemplation: Laissez Faire

Eleventh Taoist Contemplation: People Like the Side Paths

The Taoist Hedonism of Yang Chu

The above contemplations are based on the following two translations of the Tao Te Ching, by Lao-Tse.

DC Lau’s Translation
S Mitchell translation