I hope you had a happy and peaceful Eikas. We will have our virtual Eikas this Sunday, for which you will be invited by joining the Garden of Epicurus FB group. This month, we will begin to investigate the biographic details of the life of our co-founder, Metrodorus of Lampsacus, whose profile will be the subject of the majority of this year’s Substack essays at The Twentiers. This month’s essay was a Commentary on Leontion the Epicurean, who was Metrodorus’ consort.
A new blog titled Everyday Epicurean has published several essays that we have enjoyed. Here are some entries:
There are many more essays, so feel free to subscribe, follow, and comment to both blogs. The YouTube channel Tushar Irani also produced a series on philosophy. The following episodes of the series discuss the Epicureans.
Live Like a Philosopher – Lecture 7.1
Live Like a Philosopher – Lecture 7.2
Live Like a Philosopher – Lecture 8.1
Live Like a Philosopher – Lecture 8.2