Author Archives: Hiram

About Hiram

Hiram is an author from the north side of Chicago who has written for The Humanist, Infidels, Occupy, and many other publications. He blogs at The Autarkist and is the author of Tending the Epicurean Garden (Humanist Press, 2014), How to Live a Good Life (Penguin Random House, 2020) and Epicurus of Samos – His Philosophy and Life: All the principal Classical texts Compiled and Introduced by Hiram Crespo (Ukemi Audiobooks, 2020). He earned a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from NEIU.

Happy Twentieth! On Philosophy as an Antidote to Disinformation

Happy Twentieth! We see the harms of willful ignorance everywhere these days. It’s easier for some philosophically-lazy souls to make truth a filthy thing than to embrace candor. Truths are seen as inconvenient, and honesty is not their main virtue. Truth requires a bit of discipline. Standards must be set, faculties must be used. To believe that our will is more mighty than nature is the thinking of sorcerers and wizards. This is an ancient problem. It’s not new. Against this backdrop, Epicurus taught that we should navigate these waters with the help of the canon of nature: an empirical, pragmatic standard of truth.

The problem of willful ignorance is exacerbated by the opportunism of those who stand to benefit from it. The events in Russia continue to shed light on the societal problems created by propaganda and misinformation. We have seen how public health has been greatly affected by misinformation in recent years. During the pandemic, we naturally wanted to educate people (particularly those we care about) in the hopes of maximizing their survival chances. The medicine for what I will call post-truth syndrome lies in the healing words of philosophy. The ancient Epicurean Guides wrote this into their social contract:

If you fight against all your sensations, you will have no standard to which to refer, and thus no means of judging even those judgments which you pronounce false. – Principal Doctrine 23

The video Aleksandr Dugin: ‘We have our special Russian truth’ caught my attention as I was educating myself about Russian propaganda, and trying to figure out the reasons why Russia continues to fall into extreme levels of authoritarianism. Putin’s Russia today is not too different from the Tsar’s regime from over 100 years ago, which inspired the most notorious revolution of the 20th Century. Yet today, Russia has little to show for all the sacrifices of its previous revolutions. I believe this has to do with the population’s propensity to fall for propaganda, and with the lack of free speech and the lack of a variety of narratives.

Dugin is one of Putin’s “philosophers”, a post-modern post-truth charlatan, and a great case study for identifying pseudo-philosophers. For the purposes of educating ourselves as Epicureans, Dugin is useful for understanding the importance of the canon–the Epicurean name for the pragmatic, empirical standard of truth which helps us to separate that which is clear and evident from that which is not, as instructed in Principal Doctrine 24. To us, this standard includes the faculties of pleasure-aversion, and the five senses.

Dugin is a post-modern extremist who argues that all “truths” are relative, and therefore the lies of Russian propaganda are dignified as “special Russian truths”. If this was a legitimate philosophical claim, it would be the case that water is NOT in fact made up of oxygen and hydrogen molecules (at least not in Russia, because they have “special” truths there). If all relative truths deserved the label “truth”, this would imply that there are no falsehoods, or that there is no possibility of falsehood and error, which is obviously a mistaken conclusion.

Those making this declaration that all truths are relative and, therefore, valid (even if mutually contradictory), have given up on any kind of standard of truth, and so have no filter by which to discern truth from untruth, and no way to protect themselves from error. We are not the first Epicureans to note the problems that come with the systemic denial of truth, when it presents itself as true philosophy. Diogenes of Oenoanda, in the 2nd Century CE, wrote this on his Wall Inscription:

Now Aristotle and those who hold the same Peripatetic views as Aristotle say that nothing is scientifically knowable, because things are continually in flux and, on account of the rapidity of the flux, evade our apprehension. 

We on the other hand acknowledge their flux, but not its being so rapid that the nature of each thing is at no time apprehensible by sense-perception. And indeed, in no way would the upholders of the view under discussion have been able to say and this is just what they do maintain that at one time this is white and this black, while at another time neither this is white nor that black, if they had not had previous knowledge of the nature of both white and black.

Again, elsewhere in his Wall Inscription, Diogenes of Oenoanda says:

The Socratics say that pursuing natural science and busying oneself with investigation of celestial phenomena is superfluous and unprofitable, and they do not even deign to concern themselves with such matters. Others do not explicitly stigmatise natural science as unnecessary, being ashamed to acknowledge this, but use another means of discarding it. For, when they assert that things are inapprehensible, what else are they saying than that there is no need for us to pursue natural science? After all, who will choose to seek what he can never find?

Out method of multiple explanations does allow for a variety of interpretations of the evidence of nature, but it does not allow for infinite varieties of “truth”. To dignify all claims as “truths” (even if relative ones) and to engage in this extremist (ideologically-inspired, propaganda-inspired) form of relativism–with no anchor whatsoever in the study of nature–is no different from saying that there are no truths. The word truth has lost all value and utility. “Truths” in this scheme are, in actuality, the opposite of truth claims. It’s a cynical and radically-skeptical outlook in life. It’s also impractical, except for the power-hungry.

What does this do to science, which is predicated on building knowledge on top of previously established and clear knowledge? If there are no empirical or pragmatic standards to call something a “truth”, can anything at all be established scientifically, as a working theory with concrete pragmatic repercussions? Dugin’s cynicism, if sincere, is impractical. If insincere (which is the most likely case, in my opinion), then it’s cynical and nihilistic at its core, in addition to impractical.

Modern attempts to (sincerely or not) uphold this post-modern epistemology in the service of authoritarian ideology result, as we see, in the idiotic and fanatical defense of propaganda, and we are seeing how profoundly dangerous this is to democracy and to the rule of law. It also empowers evil and corrupt leaders (like Putin) in their inability to discern the limits of nature and other important Truths, so that their megalomania and their harmful demagoguery is never checked.

In contrast, Epicurus wants us to awaken our faculties. When we learn to use the canonical faculties that nature bestowed us with, we become emancipated from the need for propaganda, for priests, for demagogues, for logicians, for peddlers of false truths and pseudo-philosophies, and we learn to reason for ourselves, using our eyes, our ears, our touch, our pleasure faculty, and always diligently inferring about the non-evident based on that which is evident in order to avoid error.

If you’d like to learn more about the Epicurean canon, I would recommend you read the middle portion of Liber Qvartvs (the Fourth Book) of Lucretius’ De rerum natura.

Further Reading:
The Epicurean Canon in La Mettrie

Happy Twentieth! Moral Clarity in the Midst of Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

Happy 20th of March to Epicureans everywhere. The UN has declared this date to be International Happiness Day, and I am happy to have Epicurean friends who contribute to the work of the Society of Epicurus. I wish to thank all my Patreon subscribers, and to give a special thanks this month to Alex and Anthony.

Last month we participated in the annual symposium of Epicurean philosophy in Athens, which held an English-language international session for the first time. Our Friend Christos (who sent us a full report of the symposium–here), one of three Kathegemones (Epicurean Guides) and Founder of the Epicurean Garden in Athens, and organizer of the annual symposium of Epicurean philosophy in Athens, argues that Epicureanism provides an ethical and philosophical answer to the problems that the world faces today, since it provides us with what he calls “a scientific humanism” with an ethics that leads to social utility and individual happiness.

This year, we submitted the video Society of Epicurus: a philosophical community, as our contribution to the symposium, and also in celebration of the 9-year anniversary of our founding. In the video, we list some of our achievements and history. Some literary updates:

The Loner’s Path | Philosophy for Non-Conformists covers some of the ideas that a few great thinkers have considered regarding the individual versus societal pressure. It includes mention of Camus, Nietzsche, and the essay Self-reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which I had the pleasure of reading. My curiosity was spurred by the fact that autarchy (self-rule or self-reliance) was one of the qualities of Epicurus which (according to Epicurean Saying 36) made his life “myth-like”, or legendary. Emerson’s essay has many thought-provoking quotes that deserve meleta.

Austin McConnell has published a YouTube video titled The Absurd 2nd Century Space Opera You’ll Never Read (referring to the novel True Story). It celebrates the literary legacy and genius of Lucian of Samosata, a brilliant ancient author from Syria who also authored Alexander the Oracle Monger (a work in which he praises both Epicurus and his Principal Doctrines).

Be an Epicurean | Ancient Philosophy Rap is a rap song by a YouTuber which invites people to become Epicurean. He has almost 7,000 subscribers, and makes me wonder whether Epicureanism is becoming mainstream.

As Russia continues its attack on the people of Ukraine, a blogger known as Duplavis posted this (titled “Peace”) in solidarity with Ukraine. It draws from the scene in De rerum natura where Venus conquers Mars / pleasure conquers violence.

The events unfolding in Ukraine provide a unique case-study for many philosophical problems. In this Eikas message, I’ll bring into relief some of the issues that come up when I read the news.

Countries are Social Contracts

Natural justice is a pledge of reciprocal usefulness, neither to harm one another nor be harmed. – Principal Doctrine 31

Modern countries are convenient fictions: Platonic communities that legitimize themselves in legally-binding documents. Sometimes (as in the case of islands) the boundaries of a country are obvious. Sometimes the cultural identities of countries make them easily identifiable, but not always. Consider the arbitrary borders created by the European powers for the countries in Africa, with no regard for the cultural identities of the people who would be trapped in those borders.

Still, for as long as people agree to coexist together under a particular system of governance, their countries come into existence as social contracts. The Ukrainian people have a democratically elected president, and have for decades pushed their government to become more Westernized and to move away from the orbit of Russia. That is their social contract. In attempting to have Zelenskyy replaced by an unelected pro-Russia puppet, Putin has unjustly violated the Ukrainian people’s choice to be governed by a particular leader under a particular legal and political system, as they had agreed. This is what we at SoFE call the “problem of undue denial of consent” (where individuals or groups who are able and willing to choose or reject a social contract are denied the possibility of choice or rejection), and it renders the aggressor inherently unjust.

There was no justice or injustice with respect to all those animals which were unable to make pacts about neither harming one another nor being harmed. Similarly, [there was no justice or injustice] for all those nations which were unable or unwilling to make pacts about neither harming one another nor being harmed. – Principal Doctrine 32

In this case, the party that is inherently unjust (Putin) has chosen a “wild” / uncivilized / lawless state of existence, and we are now observing what this can look like.

Flattery and Authoritarianism

The Russian tyrant Putin is a case study for a problem diagnosed by the Epicurean Guide Philodemus of Gadara in his scroll “Peri Parrhesias” (On Frank Criticism): like many authoritarian leaders, he is surrounded by flatterers, not true friends.

We see that, while the Ukrainian president eats with his immediate advisors in a spirit of trust, Putin on the other hand sits at the extreme end of a long table so that his advisors may not have physical proximity with him. He appears to have no one he can trust, and he allows no one near him. Authoritarian leaders have a strong belief that they must rule by fear, so the element of trust is non-existent in their method of governance, and Putin clearly has no true friends–only flatterers, many of whom are scared of him and do not really consider him a friend.

Disinformation and Authoritarianism

Democracy functions best when the population is educated. If they’re not, a good argument can be made that it’s not prudent to trust people with the power of decision-making if people are ignorant about what is in their self-interest and in the interest of their communities.

On the other hand, disinformation and authoritarianism need each other. We observe in authoritarian regimes a strong insistence on control of all media by those in power, control over all information, and aggressive, relentless campaigns to keep the people ignorant or confused.

Since traditional religions have perfected the art of keeping the populations ignorant, we also see a strong alliance between authoritarian leaders and certain churches (in the case of Russia, the Orthodox Church), and a strong insistence on which religions are allowed and which religions are banned (as we see in the case of China).

No one has perfected the art of disinformation like the churches, and the war has in fact been categorized as a religious war by at least two pundits on Patheos and National Review. The war furnishes an opportunity to observe a case study in how the most insidious forms of authoritarian religion dress up in innocence things that are deeply worthy of objection, specifically using techniques like public prayer. While praying for “unity”, the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church meant the unity of Ukraine within Russia, as part of Russia, in fact denying their right to sovereignty and self-determination implicitly in his prayer in a way that suggests that he is pronouncing a blessing upon the genocide that is taking place (in his verbiage, for the sake of “unity” of Ukraine with Russia). He is also praying against “diabolical attacks” and external forces that “laugh at us”–here using public prayer to manufacture the consent that NATO is not only evil, but worse: a Satanic legion. Notice that when the patriarch prays against “the evil one” here, he is referring to Satan, not Putin. He is Platonizing and confusing the historical events.

He said all these things while soothing the members of his flock with the gentle tone of his prayer, and he was clearly dictating what the regime would like the faithful to pray for. Therefore, we cannot study this war as a case study in disinformation without taking a closer look at the role of religion, the narratives it sustains, and the devices it employs to support the Russian state’s authoritarianism (although, in frankness, we have many more examples of this much closer to home).

Vain and Empty Values

In Epicurean philosophy, we have a doctrine known as “the hierarchy of desires”, which includes:

  1. natural and necessary desires (which must be sought)
  2. natural and unnecessary desires (which are easy to dismiss if they’re hard to get or produce harm)
  3. neither natural nor necessary desires (which we do not actively pursue)

Putin’s war was initiated in pursuit of unnatural and unnecessary desires. He wants “glory”, “fame”, “immortality”, a place in history, which he will never be able to enjoy–since for most of eternity, he will not live to enjoy whatever notoriety he earns.

Putin has imperial ambitions. No human being needs his own country to govern, much less multiple foreign countries to claim as his own, and even much less countries that do not want him as a leader. No one needs an empire. Blind pursuit of power is unnecessary, vain, and empty, and in this case it generates a huge amount of unnecessary suffering, for which reason it’s clearly rejection-worthy from the perspective of Epicurean and natural hedonic calculus (since desires that create harm are easy to dismiss). Therefore, Putin is a good case study for the kinds of megalomaniacal arch-villains that blind pursuit of empty desires can create.

Putin is a Mortal

Our friend Anthony shared with us the essay Putin’s Attack on Ukraine Is an Attempt to Delay His Own Inevitable Demise–an insight which was also shared independently by Christos in the introduction to his report from the symposium. In the cited essay, Peter Pomerantsev argues that Putin has started this war because he is struggling with his impending death. In our last Eikas meeting (where we discussed coping with death), our Friend Marcus mentioned that the Epicureans treat death the same way that Freud treats sexuality: we argue that fears and apprehensions about death are at the root of much human behavior, particularly when they remain unacknowledged.

That mortals engage in evil acts out of a subconscious fear of and anger about their own mortality is one of the key ethical ideas that Lucretius expressed in Liber Tertivs (Book 3) of De rerum natura. This theory was elaborated further in modern times by anthropologist Ernest Becker in his work The Denial of Death.

Technique: View Tragedy as if from a Fortress

In De rerum natura, Lucretius gives us an example of a technique for awakening the pleasure faculty that I will call “shift in perspective”. In the Fortress of the Wise parable, Lucretius speaks frankly about the pleasure he gets from watching tragedies unfold elsewhere (or even a tragic play?), not because he’s happy about the pains of others, but because it reminds him of what he’s safe from and grateful for currently.

Lucretius specifically mentions that he is not applying this technique in a spirit that is callous or cruel (that is, the pleasure or medicine of the technique does not lie in sadism). His disposition is inspired by gratitude and relief. There is real suffering in Ukraine. But there are also hundreds of news media attempting to get everyone’s attention on this and to control the narrative (or rectify it, which is an unfortunate necessity), and it is sometimes easy to lose ourselves in the news cycle, or even embitter ourselves due to politics. Setting a healthy boundary between us and the news cycle is, perhaps, good for our happiness.

For this reason, Lucretius’ Fortress of the Wise “shift in perspective” technique (which is a version of the “view from above” technique popular among Stoics) serves as a way out of unhealthy paradigms of thought, a way to replace them with something that is conducive to our mental health and happiness. A shift in perspective is particularly useful if the tragic situation is outside our field of influence, as is the case with war in other lands.

Report from the 2022 Epicurean Philosophy Symposium in Athens

My Epicurean friends

I hope you are well, despite the Ukrainian crisis and related humanitarian misery that Putin’s sociopathy has caused. As we Epicureans know well, it is Putin’s great fear of death that has created all that lust for power, money and cynical display of force against his adversaries. I hope we are not witnessing what our forefathers witnessed 83 years ago when Hitler’s sociopathy was in action.

Anyway, I am sending you the report on the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Epicurean Philosophy, as promised. You may use it as you wish.

With Epicurean friendship


12th Panhellenic Symposium of Epicurean Philosophy
19-20 February 2022
Co-organization: Friends of Epicurean Philosophy “Garden of Athens” and “Garden of Thessaloniki” – Municipality of Pallini

Internet Broadcast on YouTube and Facebook


The philosophical psychotherapy of Epicurus in our time

In today’s Greece of the pandemic of the coronavirus and the ongoing psychological pressure, the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Epicurean Philosophy was held online. The Panhellenic Symposium on Epicurean Philosophy is the largest annual philosophical conference held in Greece and at the same time the only conference on Epicurean Philosophy held annually in the world.

The Panhellenic Symposium of Epicurean Philosophy has been organized for twelve consecutive years. During the decade 2011-2020, it was attended every year by 300-500 delegates at the Cultural Center of Gerakas, in ancient deme of Gargittos (Gargettus), the place of origin of the philosopher Epicurus’ family. Last year and this year, due to the pandemic, the Panhellenic Symposium was watched online by more than 1000 people via broadcast on Facebook and Youtube.

The Mayor of Pallini Athanasios Zoutsos launched the beginning of the Symposium, which was greeted by friends of Epicurean philosophy from Greece, Cyprus, Italy, USA and Australia. On the first day, professors of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens George Chrousos and Christos Yapijakis (School of Medicine) and Vangelis Protopapadakis (Department of Philosophy) discussed topics related to the Epicurean philosophical medicines for mental health and stress management. Furthermore, some of the most interesting presentations regarding the Epicurean approach to modern era issues included the original study of an ancient papyrus of the Epicurean philosopher Philodemus by the philologist Dr. Eleni Avdoulou, the description of the senses by Epicurus which has a great correspondence with that of modern neurobiology by the phycisist Giannis Alexakis, the similarities of the Aristotelian and the Epicurean approach on friendship by the philologist Dr. Elsa Nikolaidou, the Epicurean way of thinking as a means to tackle problems in the modern rapidly changing world by the informaticist Takis Panagiotopoulos, as well as the proposed Epicurean simple sufficiency coupled with a reduction of the economy by the economist Nikos Graikousis.

On the second day, there was an emphasis on wide spreading of Epicurean philosophy in Roman era, which has much in common with modern multicultural Western societies. Some of the some of the most interesting presented topics included the Epicurean poet Lucretius by the Academician and Professor of Latin Philology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Theodore Papanghelis, the philosopher Philodemus by the pharmacist Litsa Pitsikalis, the Epicurean writer Lucian from the Thyrathen publicer Giannis Avramidis, as well as Cicero’s works as source of Epicurean philosophy by the civil engineer Leonidas Alexandridis.

Furthermore, the Epicurean methodology of Canon as a tool for solving everyday problems was presented by the legal-private employee Dimitris Liarmakopoulos and the Epicurean approach in recognizing fake news on the internet was discussed by the economist and founding member of George Giotis and the lawyer Antonis Bilisis.

In addition, this year for the first time in the Panhellenic Symposium of Epicurean Philosophy there was an International Section in English with renown friends of Epicurus from Europe (Greece and Italy), USA and Australia. Christos Yapijakis, professor of Genetics at the School of Medicine of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and founding member of the “Garden of Athens” (Greece) referred to the “Scientific Humanism of Epicurus” as the best way of thinking and acting for humanity in our difficult current times and then led the discussion with the International and Greek delegates. Hiram Crespo, author-blogger and founder of the Society of Friends of Epicurus (Chicago, USA) with the assistance of his collaborators/friends presented “Society of Friends of Epicurus: a Philosophical Community”. Geoff Petersson, lawyer-blogger and founder of the “Garden of Sydney” (Australia) presented “Comments on the Four-Part Cure from Downunder”. Cassius Amicus, lawyer- author-blogger and founder of (Atlanta, USA) discussed “An Epicurean Response to Plato’s Attack on Pleasure”. Last but not least, Michele Pinto, journalist-blogger, president of World of Epicurus/Mondo di Epicuro (Senigallia, Italy) in his presentation “Epicurus, philosophy and optimism” suggested that it is advisable to follow Epicurus’ advice and make each day better than the previous one. In the discussion that followed experiences in individual countries were shared as well as the best Epicurean publications in different languages.

The artistic program of the Panhellenic Symposium featured the dramatic reading of the poem “Triumph” by Kostis Palamas by the actor Gerasimos Gennatas. The poem refers to the cultural triumph achieved by the Roman Epicurean Lucretius with his majestic and timeless poem “On the nature of things” and the huge difference it had with the triumphs of his contemporary plundering generals of Rome.

For the twelfth consecutive year, the opportunity was openly given to the public to experience the scientific humanism of Epicurus’ philosophy, which offers a timeless mental shield against the universal psychological, social and cultural gridlocks, facilitating the pursue of a happy life in the simplest and most natural way, with wisdom, friendship and solidarity, even in difficult times.

You can watch the videotaped Symposium at:

Dr. Christos Yapijakis, DMD, MS, PhD

Some Thoughts on the High Holidays

Happy Twentieth and Happy Day of the Hegemon! This month, I published a book review of Uniqueness of Carvaka Philosophy in Indian Traditional Thought, and an essay On the Harm and Benefit of the Gods based on our sources, and also citing the essay Epicure, dieu et image de dieu: une autarcie extatique. My essay An Epicurean Perspective of Holiness was featured on the Spiritual Naturalist Society.

I facilitated last month’s Eikas meeting (the facilitator is chosen by rotation) where I focused on Epicurus’ book On moral development, and the many commentaries that Philodemus gave us on this subject. These insights are best studied through Tsouna’s book The Ethics of Philodemus, which teaches us many things about economics, visualization techniques, maximalism, and about the Epicurean theories about and methods of studying the virtues.

One of the insights I derived from a focused study of Epicurus’ theories on moral development is that the Epicurean Guides used SWEETNESS as an incentive for moral develop in the absence of supernatural claims about punishing gods, karma, reincarnation, or other such claims. Since there are no supernatural punishments, we use the natural faculty of pleasure, and we use sweetness, to encourage ourselves and our friends to engage in correct behavior and to become morally better.

This is by pure coincidence, I’m sure, but I recently noticed that the high holidays of both the Jews and the Epicureans fall on the tenth day of the seventh month in their respective calendars. In Laertius’ Book Ten, Fragment 18, we read:

And from the revenues made over by me to Amynomachus and Timocrates let them to the best of their power in consultation with Hermarchus make separate provision for … the customary celebration of my birthday on the tenth day of Gamelion in each year.

This is from Epicurus’ Final Will, and Gamelion is the seventh month in the Attic calendar. The tenth day of the seventh month (in a different calendar) also marks Yom Kippur, which is the Day of Atonement for Jews. In Leviticus 16:29-31 it says:

This is to be a lasting ordinance for you: On the tenth day of the seventh month you must deny yourselves and not do any work—whether native-born or a foreigner residing among you— because on this day atonement will be made for you, to cleanse you. Then, before the Lord, you will be clean from all your sins. It is a day of sabbath rest, and you must deny yourselves; it is a lasting ordinance.

Although the two High Holidays are of very different natures, they also share similarities other than their place in the calendar. Yom Kippur (“the Sabbath of Sabbaths”) is much more than a day of atonement, although rituals of atonement are prominent. Kippur means atonement, but also cleansing. It’s also a yearly renewal of a Jew’s commitment to his covenant, to his relation with his god, and to his identity. The entire community came together and people reconciled–the tribe or community became whole, healthy and happy again.

In modern times for Epicurus’ birthday, Epicureans in Athens hold their now-traditional annual symposium. Though not quite as intense as Yom Kippur (which was the only time the High Priest ever entered the Holy of Holies and uttered his god’s name, and these things were done quite dramatically), the symposium in Athens is, to date, the biggest gathering of kindred minds in the modern world. The symposia, like the Day of the Hegemon, are gatherings of the Epicurean communities that are marked in the calendar in memory of Epicurus and as a solemn observance of his birthday.

This year, the Greek symposium in Athens will be hosting an international portion where people from all other parts of the world (including the members of SoFE) will give short video presentations in English. The dream is to eventually have English-language international conferences beyond Greece in places like Australia and the U.S.


We thank our Friend Beryl, who submitted a poem for Hegemon Day titled “Celebrate A Life”:

Can you accept friendship
At the gate of life
As the soil and green shoot grow together?

As the rains of life pour down
Can you smile
Knowing it’s just the weather?

When in learning, head bowed down,
Can you accept direction
Without a frown?

Like the bowing heads of trees
Accept correction
From the breeze.

Are you able to hold you gently
Compassion at the things you say
Treating others the same way?

In politics as in life
Can you cut through deception
To reality like a sharpened knife

In our work as in the bedroom,
Can you rejoice and be free
As the song bird alighting on a tree?

And when winter calls you home
Can you recall your friends delight
Closing eyes to enter night?

Come celebrate with me
And as the apple falls from the tree
Reside in pleasure and be free.

On the Harm and Benefit of the Gods

The subject of the harm and benefit of the gods is covered in the (incomplete) Philodeman Scroll Peri Eusebeias (On Piety). The scroll discusses the physical and mental benefits of piety, which are documented to some extent in modern research on meditation and chanting. The study of the benefits of religious techniques from a purely naturalist perspective will continue to enlighten us in our investigation of this subject, but here I’m interested in going to the Epicurean sources where the discussion of the harms and benefits of the gods begins. The Letter to Menoeceus contains an interesting declaration:

For the utterances of the multitude about the gods are not true preconceptions but false assumptions; hence it is that the greatest evils happen to the wicked and the greatest blessings happen to the good from the hand of the gods, seeing that they are always favorable to their own good qualities and take pleasure in people like to themselves, but reject as alien whatever is not of their kind.

These are strange statements, considering that we know that the first Epicureans did not believe that the gods intervened in human affairs. Here, it seems that the gods are being studied as a cultural phenomenon, based on the signs or effects that they have as cultural creations. The Monadnock translation says it differently:

The things that most people say about the gods are based on false assumptions, not a firm grasp of the facts, because they say that the greatest goods and the greatest harms come from the gods. For since they are at home with what is best about themselves, they accept that which is similar and consider alien that which is different.

… which seems to indicate an art of attuning to the gods according to our own qualities (a subject which Sri Krishna, curiously, also discusses in the Bhagavad Gita, saying that everyone worships according to their own tendencies). Peter St Andre adds notes / commentaries that clarify that here, Epicurus is referring to the “prolepsis” (or preconception) of the gods, and another note that says:

This is a puzzling sentence. Some translators understand it as applying to “the gods” from the previous sentence, with the sense that the gods would not interfere in human affairs because they don’t care about (“consider as alien”) mortal creatures who are so different from themselves. Other translators understand it as applying to “most people” from the previous sentence, with the sense that most people assume that immortal beings so different from themselves must want to interfere in human affairs.

The essay Epicure, dieu et image de dieu: une autarcie extatique presents some interesting points (it was shared with me by my friend Marcus, who compares the author with Norman DeWitt and laments that she has not been translated into English). It compares participation in the studies of Epicurean philosophy with the ancient mysteries (because only initiates had insight into the knowledge being taught in the Garden and were able to participate in the blissful practices).

In the past I’ve used the word “osmosis” (the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.) to refer to the religious techniques that were used in the Garden to help students imitate the Kathegemones (Epicurean Guides)–and especially Epicurus and Metrodorus–in order to experience the pleasures they enjoyed. In “Dieu et image de Dieu“, the author uses the word scissiparité, which translates into the English word “fission” (the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts). It’s the process by which one cell divides into two clone cells.

This metaphor drawn from biology is used to describe how, by contemplating on the sages and gods, on their ataraxia and bliss, we may become like them. In the case of osmosis, it would be through a slow assimilation of our psyche into the larger, blissful psyche of the deity or the sage; in the case of “scissiparité” it seems like we would merge into a union with divinity through some religious technique (like “chanting the names”, a popular practice in Bhakti-yoga) and then separation, where we would take with us the bliss and pleasant impressions acquired via the divine union. It’s interesting that in both English and French we are today using verbiage and metaphors from science, from nature, from organisms–rather than supernatural language–to describe these religious techniques.

Lucretius has more to say on this. In Liber Sextvs, he says:

For even those men who have learned full well
That godheads lead a long life free of care,
If yet meanwhile they wonder by what plan
Things can go on (and chiefly yon high things
Observed o’erhead on the ethereal coasts),
Again are hurried back unto the fears
Of old religion and adopt again
Harsh masters, deemed almighty,- wretched men,
Unwitting what can be and what cannot,
And by what law to each its scope prescribed,
Its boundary stone that clings so deep in Time.

This passage reminds me of “the Almighty”, a false-god character from the film 10,000 BC who (in the movie) seems to have been a survivor of Atlantis. Whenever he appears, everyone in the city must bow and kiss the ground, and his attendants approach him covering their faces with their hands and long nails in fear. This type of primitive religious fear is one of the main “diseases of the soul” that Epicurean philosophy saves us from. Lucretius elsewhere continues:

Wherefore the more are they borne wandering on
By blindfold reason. And, Memmius, unless
From out thy mind thou spuest all of this
And casteth far from thee all thoughts which be
Unworthy of gods and alien to their peace,
Then often will the holy majesties
Of the high gods be harmful unto thee,
As by thy thought degraded,- not, indeed,
That essence supreme of gods could be by this
So outraged as in wrath to thirst to seek
Revenges keen; but even because thyself
Thou plaguest with the notion that the gods,
Even they, the Calm Ones in serene repose,
Do roll the mighty waves of wrath on wrath;
Nor wilt thou enter with a serene breast
Shrines of the gods; nor wilt thou able be
In tranquil peace of mind to take and know
Those images which from their holy bodies
Are carried into intellects of men,
As the announcers of their form divine.
What sort of life will follow after this
‘Tis thine to see.

Here, Lucretius is accentuating that the error of fear-based religion and superstition is not only degrading, but also keeps us from having the proper disposition to be able to derive benefit from religious techniques. He says that unless we purge these thoughts that are unworthy of the gods, they will be harmful to us “as if they had been degraded by our own thought”.

Our own thoughts cannot harm the natural gods (who, if they exist, would live in outer space): we can only hurt ourselves with our beliefs about the gods. Lucretius says that we “plague ourselves” with the belief that the gods are wrathful, and nor will we be able to enter their shrine in peace or to visualize them ecstatically (a practice that ancient Epicureans seem to have found both blissful and ethically useful) if we really hold evil beliefs about the gods.

Lucretius also warns that we will see what sort of life arises from our view of the gods, that this will be self-evident to us. Immediately, I think about the obscene orgies of violence and terrorism that we see today in Islam, and about the misery that is accepted blindly and passively as a yolk by the Christians who believe that God wants them to “bear their cross” and who believe that suffering is good, that it dignifies us and makes us good people. I also think of the Jehova’s Witnesses and others who reject blood transfusions for their own children and themselves even if this is the only life-saving method because of blind obedience to a Bronze-Age Biblical taboo against having contact with blood, etc. Fear of gods is just as harmful today as it was in antiquity.

These Lucretian verses are in line with the “cognitive purity code” that Epicurus established for the gods when he said we could believe anything about them so long as it didn’t contradict their incorruptibility and beatitude (ever-blissful nature) in his Epistle to Menoeceus–an epitome, or summary of his ethics. Epicurus must have looked at many case-studies and elaborated on this teaching in many ways with his disciples prior to summarizing it in this way. Lucretius continues, making an appeal to reason–which helps to save us from superstition and its dangers–and warning against the tendency to degrade ourselves with fear-based auguries or oracles:

But that afar from us
Veriest reason may drive such life away,
Much yet remains to be embellished yet
In polished verses, albeit hath issued forth
So much from me already; lo, there is
The law and aspect of the sky to be
By reason grasped; there are the tempest times
And the bright lightnings to be hymned now-
Even what they do and from what cause soe’er
They’re borne along- that thou mayst tremble not,
Marking off regions of prophetic skies
For auguries, O foolishly distraught
Even as to whence the flying flame hath come,
Or to which half of heaven it turns, or how
Through walled places it hath wound its way,
Or, after proving its dominion there,
How it hath speeded forth from thence amain-
Whereof nowise the causes do men know,
And think divinities are working there.

Here we see that 2,000 years ago, Lucretius warned against a still-popular mistake among the men of religion of our day: the “God of the gaps” argument, which tries to impose or project the image of God unto whatever field of knowledge has not yet been deciphered and pierced by science. As science has advanced, the “gap” that God needs to fill has narrowed and, today, there is very little that can be justified by an appeal to a creator, vindictive or intervening God. For instance, creationism is little more than a joke, and the theory of evolution by natural selection eloquently explains the nature of things.

It is unfair to speak of the harms that come from incorrect religiosity without also addressing the benefits of correct piety, according to Epicurean philosophy. If we claim that there is nothing whatsoever worthy of honor or praise, this would seem to endorse a cynical nihilism that can only awkwardly attach itself to a pleasant lifestyle and philosophy. Piety was an important area of interest for the ancient Epicurean Guides.

Honoring a sage is itself a great good to the one who honors. – Epicurean Saying 32

Epicurean Guides like Hermarchus and Philodemus seemed convinced that those who practice philosophy correctly feel as if they were protected by a lucky star or a guardian angel, but it’s not a spirit or supernatural force that is protecting us. They addressed philosophy in salvific terms, and Epicurus said that to be truly free we must be slaves to philosophy. It’s philosophy that liberates us and protects us, our heads, and our characters, if we honor her and practice correctly: the canon protects us from false views that are harmful for our happiness, the parrhesia (frank criticism) of our friends protects us from error and helps keep our character healthy, some of the healing Doctrines diagnose some disease of the soul and carry medicine for it, etc. If we engage the process of philosophy, it’s as if we have created guardian angels for ourselves. This reminds me of this ecstatic, poetic, and quasi-shamanic statement in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra:

I want to have goblins about me, for I am courageous. The courage which scareth away ghosts, createth for itself goblins- it wanteth to laugh.

… which reminds me of religious techniques used in many cultures, which involve music, loud noises, and other playful behavior believed to shoo away bad spirits (sadness, depression, etc.) and attract good spirits (happy dispositions). The book De l’inhumanité de la religion discusses interesting aspects of the intersection between play-behavior and primitive (pre-agricultural) forms of shamanic religion. In nature, we see that play behavior has didactic utility: puppies and cubs learn social skills, hierarchical structure, hunting techniques, and other useful skills for survival and socializing. I believe the intersection between primitive religiosity and play behavior deserves more focused study from a specifically Epicurean perspective.

Form our meleta on the Philodeman Scroll On Piety, I get the sense that Epicurus was specifically interested in the bodily and mental repercussions of pious practices, and their effect on our bodies, minds, habits, and dispositions. If some form of pious practice is playful, blissful, ethically useful and correct as per our Doctrines, and treats fear-based beliefs and superstitions as taboo, it may qualify as a specifically-Epicurean experiment in piety, and might in the future furnish a useful case-study that would allow us to speak with more authority on the subject of the harms and benefits of the gods.

Further Reading:

The Epicurean Gods: a SoFE Educational Module

 Piety according to the sources of Epicurean Philosophy

Dialogues on the Epicurean Gods

Second Dialogue on the Epicurean Gods

“For there ARE Gods …”

PD 1: On the Utility of the Epicurean Gods

Book Review: Uniqueness of Carvaka Philosophy in Indian Traditional Thought

India’s problem turns out to be the world’s problem. The problem’s name is God. – Salman Rushdie

Over the years, I have taken an interest in sister traditions to Epicureanism that have emerged elsewhere: the sumac kawsay philosophy of South America’s indigenous populations, the pleasure-ethics of the Taoist sage Yang Chu, and the Lokayata (aka Charvaka) School of India.

There isn’t much left on the Charvaka tradition–the most concise ancient introduction I found are fifteen statements that comprise the Lokayata chapter of the Sarva-Siddhanta-Sangraha. All that is left of their ancient writings are commentaries by enemies. The book Uniqueness of Carvaka Philosophy in Indian Traditional Thought by Bhupender Heera caught my attention because it promised to fill the information gap, so I have enjoyed reading it, and this is my review of it.

Of their character, although they were greatly maligned by the orthodox, I found this quote which reminded me of (biographer) Laertius’ defense of the character of Epicurus from the attacks of his enemies:

Under the heading “Nastika” Abul Fazl has referred to the good work, judicious administration and welfare schemes that were emphasised by the Charvaka law-makers.

While searching for evidence of a Charvaka movement in India–and trying to discern the extent to which it’s a living, evolving, modern tradition–I came across this Charvaka Manifesto, where we see the beginnings of a (much needed) neo-Charvaka revival in India which is inspired, in great part, in the New Atheism personalities like Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins. Salman Rushdie is, of course, also among the influences in modern Charvaka, as are the modern political and social realities of India, and (since India is so close to the Islamic world) there is some solidarity with the ex-Muslim movement.

The fervor towards a reform or evolution of the Charvaka Philosophy is inspired, in part, by accusations of being anti-social that go back to over 2,600 years ago, and which parallel the treatment Epicurean philosophy has also often received. Orthodox Hindus consider that there are four aims of life: pleasure (kama), wealth (artha), duty (dharma), and liberation (moksha). Charvakas originally only accepted the first two, and rejected dharma or virtue (which involved upholding the caste system) and moksha (liberation, salvation or redemption is typically interpreted in religious terms). Some modern Charvakas argue that if dharma is only understood as treating others fairly and kindly, then they can accept that; and that they understand death as liberation, or moksha.

The enjoyment of heaven lies in eating delicious food, keeping company of young women, using fine clothes, perfumes, garlands, sandal paste … while moksha is death which is cessation of life-breath … the wise therefore ought not to take pains on account of moksha. A fool wears himself out by penances and fasts. Chastity and other such ordinances are laid down by clever weaklings. — Sarvasiddhanta Samgraha, Verses 9-12

The view that there is a soul separate from the body, which on reaching the other world enjoys rewards, is like the hope to get tasty fruits from the big flower of a tree in the sky. – Prabodhacandrodaya, Act II, Sloka 16

The Sub-Schools

There are two camps within Charvaka: The Dhurta Charvakas deny that the soul exists, while the Susikshita Carvakas say that the soul exists as long as the body lasts. This group is subdivided into the Dehatmavada (soul = body), Indriyatmavada (the soul is the senses), Mano-atmavada (the soul is the mind), and Pranatmavada (the soul is the vital breath). Aviddhakarṇa, Bhavivikta, Kambalasvatara, Purandara and Udbhatabhatta are the five commentators who developed the Charvaka system in various ways.

It would be interesting to evaluate (perhaps in the future with other content) the merits of each sub-school’s potential arguments. That so many different views coexisted among the Charvakas should be a testament to the robust, free-thinking intellectual life that they once had, and reminds us of the many schools that also existed under the umbrella of the Cyrenaics.

Some Terms

The author notes that “there is a huge aversion to the body in Indian thought“. Instead, Charvaka is a world-affirming (pravitti) philosophy, whereas from the Charvaka perspective, ascetic religious philosophies are nivrtti (world-denying). To Charvaka disciples, heaven is pleasure, hell is pain.

The author rejects the nastika (heterodox) classification for Charvaka within Indian philosophical systems, and instead prefers to classify Charvaka as “non-Vedic”. In order to be a heterodox/non-Vedic philosophy, it always and necessarily self-identifies in contrast to whatever is “orthodox” or Vedic. Therefore, I think both labels fail to appreciate the mortal blow on religiosity and the pre-scientific impulse that is Charvaka’s insistence on a canon of sense perception–even if this canon has not yet been perfected, in my view. Charvaka philosophy recognizes pleasure and the senses as guides, but rejects common-sensical methods of inference, and this is one of its main weaknesses–or a main target for potential reform by the Neo-Charvakas. For instance, in page 67 the author makes the argument that materialists can’t assert universal truths, but this is true only for materialists who adhere to the old Charvaka epistemology that rejects methods of inference. Modern scientific materialism is not of this kind, and neither is Epicurean materialism.

On the Need for inference: Consciousness and Matter

Charvaka teaches that “consciousness is born from elements just as seeds of kinva (fermenters) produce intoxicant“. This is a fascinating insight: 2,600 years ago, a group of materialist Indian philosophers compared awareness or consciousness to other biochemical processes (in this case, fermentation). They viewed consciousness as an organic, natural phenomenon, and used a metaphor that would have been at home in De Rerum Natura.

The author of “Uniqueness of Charvaka Philosophy” argues (correctly, in my view) that therefore the Charvakas DO infer by analogy in the case of the above-quoted proverb. He also argues (correctly) that the Charvaka MUST infer, and since inference is not part of their method, this renders their method inconsistent or impossible to practice. This is known as the problem of apraxia. Impracticality.


The author of Uniqueness of Carvaka Philosophy mixes praise with criticism in the book. He  constantly acknowledges the “low position” or status of materialism, even as he acknowledges that it was initially the “only” system of philosophy worthy of its name. He apologizes for defending it, and uses terms like “gross” materialism or hedonism. At times, he seems to have acquired many of the biased attitudes he criticizes elsewhere: in page 33, he laments that “we are all Charvaka” today. In page 72, the author argues that the “body can’t cause consciousness”, and seems to endorse supernaturalism. In page 38, he accuses Charvakas of being extremists and entertaining “uncontrolled thoughts breaking loose from all restrictions”. Therefore, the reader of the book should know that the author is not entirely without bias.

Also, the reader should bear in mind that the author’s first language is not English. However, overall, considering the scarcity of material available in English, Uniqueness of Carvaka Philosophy is still a useful resource to get acquainted with the basics of the Charvaka system of philosophy.

Further Reading:

Uniqueness of Carvaka Philosophy in Indian Traditional Thought

The Lokayata chapter of the  Sarvasiddhanta Samgraha

Carvaka at

Paper: Materialism in India, After Carvaka

Happy Twentieth! Philosophy as Self-care

Happy Twentieth to everyone and Happy 2022! The essay Victor Frankl and the Search for Meaning is a review of the best-selling book on logo-therapy and the therapeutic benefits of making meaning, written from an Epicurean perspective. Please enjoy our past Eikas essays, which have all been compiled here.

The essay Utility and Affection in Epicurean Friendship is in

“Practice these and similar things day and night, by yourself and with a like-minded Friend, and you will never be disturbed whether waking or sleeping, and you will live as a god among men: for a man who lives in the midst of immortal goods is unlike a mere mortal man.” – Epicurus, to Menoeceus

You may remember that the Letter to Menoeceus has a “meleta portion” with instructions on how to practice philosophy “by ourselves and with others of like mind“. Here, Epicurus uses the term “μελέτα πρὸς σεαυτὸν ” (meléta prós seautón) to speak of the practice of philosophy by oneself (se-auton). 

We have touched on this, but not delved too much in depth into what it consists of, except to observe that it must involve a balance of both self-nurturing and self-discipline. Without self-nurturing, one risks engaging in ascetic self-abuse in the name of philosophy. Without self-discipline, one risks being too soft and fearful, and remaining unprepared for the occasional harshness of life.

According to the essay Ascetic self-cultivation, Foucault and the hermeneutics of the self, by Michael A. Peters:

“the word epimeleia is related to melete, which means both exercise and meditation”

Epicurus’ meléta prós seautón reminds us of epimeleia heautou–the Greek term for self care. In fact, the terms share semantic roots, and half of the meleta we are supposed to do (meleta by ourselves) could be characterized as self-care, or epimeleia heautou. If we search for epimeleia heautou or for self-care online, however, we will be taken in many unwanted directions. Many products are being sold in the name of self-care, and philosophers like Michelle Foucault and Pierre Hadot have influenced how people understand the term today. This can be useful, but within the Society of Epicurus we’re specifically interested in the Epicurean sense of self-care.

Let us unpack the twin notions of meléta prós seautón and epimeleia heautou into bits and pieces, so that it’s easier to appreciate why self-care is important.

  • It is impossible to take care of oneself if we do not have time for leisure, time to think and practice philosophy, time for introspection. So this practice of self-care must therefore be a feature of a certain civilized, self-cultivated quality of life that affords time for leisure.
  • A lifestyle of “self-care”–to whatever extent it is implemented–seems distant from the lifestyle that the polis / state requires of citizens, which involves preparing for warfare or for civil administration. It’s a private lifestyle that makes us look within and centers on intimate concerns. It therefore dignifies the individual.
  • Self-care requires that we assume, first, a degree of causal responsibility for our own happiness, dispositions, habits, and our choices and avoidances. It must therefore be a feature of moral maturity.
  • Again, in order to avoid the excesses of self-indulgence or self-abuse, it seems fair to say that self-care must include a balance of self-nurturing and self-discipline–which may at times require a willingness to rationally renegotiate and shift our emotional investment into greater degrees of self-love or self-reproach, as needed. This reminds us of Nietzsche’s declaration:

He who cannot command himself shall obey. And many a one can command himself, but still sorely lacketh self-obedience! – Nietzsche’s Zarathustra

Self-rule (autarchy) requires self-obedience: we do not truly rule ourselves if we do not obey ourselves also. Therefore, some of our ongoing projects of self-care must relate to autarchy (self-governance, or the art, science, and virtue of self-sufficiency). 

  • In the second field of praxis (meleta “with others of like mind”), we rely on the efforts, wisdom, and example of others, who may also plant seeds in us and become the causes of our happiness, a benefit which we reciprocate. This field includes friendly conversation, the celebration of Eikas, the evaluation of case studies through the framework of philosophy, etc. But in the first field of praxis (meleta by ourselves), we rely on our own effort and we become the cause of our own happiness.
  • Self-care includes all the practices related to moral development (re-habituation, or turning away from vices and towards virtues), study (including the study of the self), memorization, repetition, carrying out our choices and avoidances with the help of the Doctrines, and any other practices of self-cultivation, contemplation, “placing before the eyes” (Epicurean visualization), or meditation that we find to be advantageous for our happiness.

There are many more techniques (like journaling) that could be incorporated into self-care, as well as circumstances (like the pandemic) that pose particular challenges. In the end, it’s up to each individual philosopher to adopt into her hedonic regimen whatever methods work for them. I hope that these initial deliberations help our readers to carefully consider and plan their own process of meléta prós seautón.

Further Reading:

Epicurean ethics as an example of morality as self-care

Victor Frankl and the Search for Meaning

False Dichotomies

We recently read the essay There Are Two Kinds of Happy People, which compares Stoic and Epicurean philosophies. The essay makes some good points (we can borrow from each other yet remain grounded in our own traditions), but essays like this create false dichotomies: you almost never hear people saying “Buddhists meditate and Christians pray, and maybe they should try each other’s techniques“. In reality, Buddhists also pray and Christians sometimes also meditate. The essay assumes that Epicureans do not seek meaning, or create meaning, and it perhaps even assumes that meaning and pleasure are mutually contradictory, but there is no reason whatsoever to think this is the case.

I want to resist the tendency to antagonize Stoics because that produces a situation where it seems like Epicureanism frustrates the search for meaning or the ability for resilience, and that is not at all true. Epicurean philosophy provides various different pathways to meaning and resilience.

He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. – Nietzsche

I finally recently finished reading Victor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning, which is highly recommended among proponents of philosophy as therapy for the soul. It argues that human beings require meaning in their lives, and that the best way to deal with boredom, existential ennui, depression, or suffering, is to make it meaningful. He particularly favors three ways of doing this: through work (doing something significant), through loving someone, or through courage during difficulties.

As a psychoanalyst, Frankl proposes “logotherapy” (a therapy of meaning). Our Friend Nathan says:

It’s a powerful story of someone who survives grotesque circumstances. His themes seem to me to be within the existentialist genre, primarily, defining value and meaning in a violent and unforgiving world. He largely demonstrates how having an appropriate mental disposition can help people manage seemingly-hopeless circumstances.

Meaning-making is contrasted with nihilism and a depressing sense of defeat in life. This is from page 72

Regarding our “provisional existence” as unreal was in itself an important factor in causing the prisoners to lose their hold on life: everything in a way became pointless. Some people forgot that often it is just such an exceptionally difficult external situation which gives man the opportunity to grow spiritually beyond himself. Instead of taking the camp’s difficulties as a test of their inner strength, they did not take their life seriously and despised it as something of no consequence. They preferred to close their eyes and to live in the past. Life for such people became meaningless.

This other quote, from the following page (73), reminds us of our past meleta concerning Epimetheus (who only looks to the past) and his brother Prometheus (who looks to the future). To Frankl, redemption is found in the Promethean approach.

It is a peculiarity of man that he can only live by looking to the future. And this is his salvation in the most difficult moments of his existence, although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task.

… which remind me of Epicurean Saying 48:

While you are on the road, try to make the later part better than the earlier part; and be equally happy when you reach the end.

Frankl mentions laughter as a technique, and as a sign that one is healed. In Tending the Epicurean Garden, I mentioned that the Epicureans follow the lineage of the laughing philosophers, and that laughter helps us to feel superior to the thing we are laughing at / about. Frankl says this differently: being able to laugh at yourself and your situation is a sign that you have already begun to overcome.

At one point in page 130, Frankl seems to accuse materialist reductionism of producing nihilism. In Epicurean philosophy we see that that is not necessarily the case. Other materialists may be nihilists, but in our tradition we have methods of drawing values and meaning from the study of nature. Here, he attacks:

the danger inherent in the teaching that man is nothing but the result of the biological, psychological, and sociological conditions, or the product of heredity and environment … This neurotic fatalism is fostered and strengthened by a psychotherapy which denies that man is free.

I applaud that Frankl is drawing a connection between nihilism and materialism, as this is one of the main knots by which people who are suffering entangle themselves into harmful patterns of powerless thinking. To me, this accentuates the need for rejecting scientism (=the “excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques“), and for studying philosophy as a separate and equally important field of knowledge alongside science.

“Embracing the Exile”: a Case Study

In my college years when I confided in a University social worker and mentor (whom I greatly respected and loved) concerning my struggles to reconcile my Christian upbringing with my gay sexuality, he kindly lent me the book Embracing the Exile – Healing Journeys of Gay Christians. Back then, this book had a great impact on me, since the religious and psychological abuse of homophobia were strongly imprinted in my mind and affected me in very real ways.

Embracing the Exile is my most familiar case study for logotherapy. It argued that as Christians, gay people should embrace their exile, and carry their particular cross, with acceptance. It also taught that we should love our enemies anyway, regardless of what they do to us or say about us, and it even treats Queer identities as a form of “chosenness” where we are left to make sense of our way of being different. The book meant to soften the passions of a bruised soul, and it succeeded, but in the end, Christianity was definitely not for me. Many LGBT Christians feel that they are able to lovingly engage in LGBT activism, and at the same time confront other Christians with the evil that is done in the name of their religion from inside their churches. I’m torn between my solidarity and support for the struggle of LGBT people who choose to remain Christian, and the need to address the profound epistemological errors (and cruelties) of Christianity.

Embracing the Exile might be particularly helpful for people who might be struggling with suicide ideation, or who have recently come out and who come from a Christian background and are still attached to it, or for LGBT people who wish to return to Christianity. It provides a few “technologies of the soul” for that specific population.

But the book is not without its potential dangers, even if it came from a place of love and sincerity. Church leaders are experts at softening the blows of their emotional and psychological acts of aggression and dressing things that are deeply worthy of objection in the disguise of innocence and sanctity. Furthermore, if we decide that our policy towards our abusers is to “love them anyway”, does this not risk neglecting the possibility of moral development for our abusers? It can be a difficult balance to maintain, particularly when those who are most likely to harm LGBT youth in a church are also the same people who find themselves most entangled in their ideological errors and are least likely to think they might be wrong. The idea of gays embracing Christianity reminds me of a commentary about the colorful cow in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra that I came across recently:

In the town called the Pied Cow, the people are extremely content. They exemplify the concept of decadence. As Nietzsche says in Thus Spake Zarathustra to a citizen of the town of Pied Cow: “thy cow, affliction, milkedst thou—now drinketh thou the sweet milk of her udder.” His language shows that the cow’s milk is pleasurable and sweet, but it is an affliction that causes us to forget our real purpose. It is analogous to soma in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, an orgasmically pleasurable drug that causes the citizens of a fascist regime to forget their suffering and keep working.

One of the main dangers of the logotherapy approach is that, by choosing a false refuge or a false sense of meaning, we may end up harming ourselves and wasting opportunities for moral reform, freedom, creativity, and true happiness. Meaning must therefore be secondary to our impulse towards truth and towards the sober pleasure that Epicurus mentions in his Epistle to Menoeceus.

Some Epicurean Ideas

Life is not obligated to make sense to us. We are the ones who seek to make sense of it willfully, using our creativity and resources, our art of living (techne biou), and with the help of the study of nature. In this, Lucretius, Epicurus, and others are role models to us.

We are able to create meaning through the process of hedonic calculus: by choosing and rejecting in a manner consistent with our values, our pains or sufferings are redeemed and made valuable by the greater pleasures that they gain.

When I recently shared 3 Brain Systems That Control Your Behavior: Reptilian, Limbic, Neo Cortex, by Robert Sapolsky, our Friend Nathan commented that these three parts of the brain reminded him of “sensations, feelings, and preconceptions”–the three sets of faculties that exist within the Epicurean canon, which are our connection with nature.

The video makes the argument that the most primitive part of the brain (the reptilian part) involves the most basic instincts. This includes the senses, but also the sense of time, the circadian rhythm–a set of faculties that require that animals attune themselves to the day and night cycles, and require cold-blooded animals to regulate their body temperature by various means. Then, our ancestors evolved the mammalian brain, which involved complex fight-or-flight mechanisms, panic instincts, and other powers that Nathan associates with the canonical faculties involved in feelings. The final evolutionary stage is where animals evolved the cortex of the brain that facilitates complex thinking and language. Of all the highest animals (mostly the primates), the humans are the ones who have evolved the most complex “prolepsis” cortex. The parallels noted between the canonical faculties and the layers of brain cortex are interesting, and it had never occurred to me to think of it this way.

I am particularly interested in this third set of faculties in our discussion of meaning because the prolepsis faculty facilitates language, and it seems to me that our discussion of meaning is a discussion of language, and that the creation of meaning is therefore mainly a function of the prolepsis faculty. We are perhaps translating our experiences into something that our rational brains may apprehend, and doing so helps us to process our ideas and emotions.

Seen this way, the thirst for meaning becomes an impulse toward naming our own narratives, our lives, our selves, our relations, our life cycles, the projects that “give” our lives “meaning”, our technologies of the soul, etc. How else do we create meaning? Nietzsche suggested (and I agree) that we may do this through art, poetry, dance, ritual. The technique of relabeling (as we’ve discussed before) is another method for this.

In the search for meaning, it often seems like self-expression has been frustrated and seeks an outlet. The prolepsis of self-expression (Self-Ex-Pression) reminds me of a process of pressing-out parts of the self into some external form. The faculty of prolepsis allows us to clearly conceive an idea, which is necessary in the first place if we are to “press it out” of our psyche. Prolepsis helps us to conceive, which reminds us of seeds, of germination. Conceiving an idea carries creative potential.


Some people say Frankl’s Man’s Search of Meaning is a Stoic book, but it’s more nuanced than that. Yes, Man’s Search for Meaning has a strong Stoic influence. It teaches that the “only” thing that others can’t take away is how we respond to a situation, and focuses on the realm of possible therapies available to someone who is powerless to change their fate. But it also elsewhere criticizes key aspects of Stoicism. In page 56, we find:

The camp inmate was frightened of making decisions and of taking any sort of initiative whatsoever. This was the result of a strong feeling that fate was one’s master, and that one must not try to influence it in any way, but instead let it take its own course. In addition, there was a great apathy, which contributed in no small part to the feelings of the prisoner.

The book is a bit depressing, but this is not necessarily a bad thing, as suffering does have the power to make us better people. My recent anecdote on this has to do with a particular co-worker who for many months did not greet me, or smile at me, or acknowledge me at all at work. Some people (particularly people who have money or power) can afford to be quite stand-offish; others are simply introverted by nature. This co-worker was a cancer survivor and, upon getting a second diagnosis of cancer, he changed. Perhaps he realized that life is short and shifted his conception of the things that matter. He began to greet me with a smile. He became more personal. I think his suffering as a result of his health, and his sense of vulnerability, is what made him a better, gentler, more caring person.

This anecdote confirms, to me, the power of suffering to purify our character–even if we rebel against the idealization and sacralizing of suffering that we see, for instance, in Catholicism.

Frakl says “man is ultimately self determining”, meaning that we are subjects, not objects or machines. One of the main virtues of this book is that Frankl humanizes his patients. He at all times refuses to diminish or humiliate or mistreat his patients. His years of suffering during World War II make Frankl a wounded healer: he had been through hell, and could now help others in a similar situation. For this reason, many people who are experiencing great suffering and who are truly powerless in their situation would benefit from critically engaging the insights of this book.

Further Reading:

Man’s Search for Meaning


Happy Eikas: the Method of Multiple Explanations

Happy Twentieth to all! This month, news came out that a skeleton recovered at Herculaneum “reveals secrets of ancient Roman town obliterated by volcanic eruption“. This month, I also found the video 4 Ways To Practice Epicureanism.

The Cārvaka Darshana is a discussion by the Charvaka YouTube channel. The host identifies as Neo-Charvaka and claims that this lineage is as legitimately a part of Hinduism as any other philosophical school, and that if they go to the Indian government with the desire to get organized as a philosophical School, the state should acknowledge their existence as a sect. The Charvakas are a somewhat parallel tradition to Epicureanism which evolved in the context of India. Only fragments of their ancient scriptures survive, and only thanks to the reports of their enemies. Modern Charvaka discourse is greatly influenced by the new atheism, but distinct from it, as it is not an activist philosophy, but rather one of pleasure (kama).

The SNS essay On Immersive Storytelling contributes to the push to decouple myths, art, and ceremony from superstitious trappings and to channel them into ethically useful purposes. It cites Eikas, and also Lucretian passages as examples of how this can be done. Curiously, it seems like our second Scholarch Hermarchus may have initiated the tradition of telling the story of Epicurus as if it was a “legend”:

Epicurus’ life when compared to other men’s in respect of gentleness and self-sufficiency might be thought a mere legend. – Vatican Saying 36, attributed to Hermarchus

That storytelling was part of the education that took place in the Garden is demonstrated by the many anecdotes that Philodemus of Gadara told 200 years later about the lives of the founders. He must have spend many hours listening to these stories.

Multiple Explanations and Hedonic Calculus

For a number of things, it’s not enough to state one cause, but many, of which one would be true. – Lucretius, De rervm natvra, Liber Sextvs, 703-4

Our last Eikas zoom was facilitated by Alan and was titled “On the method of multiple explanations” (an ancestor to modern multi-valued logic). This method was used by Epicurus in his Epistle to Pythocles, where he explained astronomical phenomena.

The idea here is that, in a universe complex enough to have infinite particles and infinite space, it is possible that there are multiple explanations to phenomena and that, so long as these explanations do not contradict each other or the evidence of nature, they can all be true. For instance, weather systems are caused by pressure patterns in the atmosphere, but they’re also part of annual seasonal cycles, and are affected by patterns of rain condensation and by global temperatures. All these things are true and observable simultaneously. Here is how Diogenes of Oenoanda explains the method of multiple explanations in his Epicurean Wall Inscription:

Let us now discuss risings and settings and related matters after making this preliminary point: if one is investigating things that are not directly perceptible, and if one sees that several explanations are possible, it is reckless to make a dogmatic pronouncement concerning any single one; such a procedure is characteristic of a seer rather than a wise man. It is correct, however, to say that, while all explanations are possible, this one is more plausible (πιθανώτερον) than that. – Diogenes’ Wall

During our discussion of the method of multiple explanations, we agreed that this method was mainly a way of gathering and considering plausible hypotheses, without necessarily settling on only one of them as the only explanation. It would be interesting to consider the intersection between the preoccupations that led to the development of the method of multiple explanations and the post-modern rejection of any one single meta-narrative as inherently authoritarian.

One additional note on the method of multiple explanations: it allows for the existence of many fields of knowledge, each with their own rules, methods, interpretations, and ways of understanding nature.

I consider myself privileged in having wise Epicurean friends who contribute to help me gain depth in Epicurus’ teachings. One of those friends is Jason, who during our second dialogue on the Epicurean gods said this:

The Epicurean method of multiple explanations lands squarely on pleasure as the end and aim. It pleases me more to think that humanity is not alone in the universe. It pleases me more to say that the supernaturalists are hurting themselves in their confusion and the only creature worthy of adoration is that which is actually possible, material beings who have shucked off their vices and live like sages. A race of people whose choices and avoidances have led them to perpetual bliss.

This is because Pleasure is the Guide of Life in all our choices and avoidances, including our choice of what to do, what to say, and even what to think. Jason’s reading of the method of multiple explanations as requiring our choice, for which we must use the faculty of pleasure (and dwell on the most pleasant views), aligns with what we’ve discussed before in our meleta on PD 28 and has great potential benefits in the context of a belief system that is advantageous for our happiness. For me, Jason’s words also constituted the very definition of what Zen Buddhists call “satori”: instant enlightenment concerning a key philosophical concept. This is one of the great benefits of practicing “meleta with others of like mind” with our friends for a long time.

Basically, Jason was saying that if many explanations are equally plausible according to our method and based on how far empirical data can take us, then we must be content to make a choice concerning what theory is most plausible to us, which of the theories pleases us the most and adds the most to the removal of our fears and other hindrances to happiness, and this choice of a hypothesis is not without a component of FEELING. If there are several “worlds” we can imagine ourselves living in that are equally plausible, then let us choose the most pleasant one. Let us unhypocritically make the choice to assent to the truths that add the most to our happiness.

This, of course, does not mean that we suspend the importance of empirically based reasoning, as per our canon. Our views must also be based on the study of nature. But we have a limited time and attention span, and not all knowledge adds the same value to us, so we must choose. In a private message, I later told Jason what this brought up for me:

Our choice to follow scientific truth / study of nature, and our choice to follow pleasure, are not mutually contradictory … they’re mutually inclusive in true philosophy according to our Scholarchs. So your way of thinking about multiple plausible explanations, and our eventual choice of the most pleasant, deserves a deeper look.

They say ignorance is bliss. We disagree.

So the key take-away here is that there is blissful knowledge, or at least knowledge that is both correct and worth-choosing, and that the method of multiple explanations can be an efficient means to greater pleasure.

To say that multiple explanations for a phenomenon are all plausible, is perhaps also to say that, within the range of what is naturally possible, some explanations produce greater pleasure than others, or are more important for our happiness than others. So then, pleasure being the Guide of Life, we tend to take refuge in the most pleasant of the plausible explanations as a matter of choice. This is because the goal of our choices and rejections is the pleasures.

If we diverge from either pleasure or scientific truth, we are not practicing what our Scholarchs considered true philosophy. In this way, philosophy to us can be both true and advantageous for our happiness. The point at which the choices of truth and pleasure converge is where we must sculpt our hedonic regimen, our lifestyle, and our beliefs.